

Ahhh what a topic! I first want to start off by saying as you have probably noticed my writing is free. I just go, it’s the only way I know how. It’s what works for me. My writing may not make sense, you may not relate but as my bio describes this is really for me, not for you. I believe in myself and what empowers me. Writing, feeling, healing and releasing is what brings me joy. This is makes me feel whole. So here is what I have to say about relationships. Here are my thoughts as I’ve moved through the hardest and best year of my life. There’s a lot to say about this topic, relationships. I'm not sure where to start but since they are pretty much all of life, I suppose I can start anywhere. To me relationships are everything. They give me life, vitality and breath….And let me be clear when I speak of relationships, I speak of all types... Every single person you come in contact with is a form of a relationship. And the most important part of a relationship is willingnes


There’s a difference between attaching to your past, making who you’ve been apart of who you are versus  remembering where you came came from. Being in touch with your past can bring about gratitude and acceptance to who you are now just so long as there’s is no attachment to the old identity. What’s most important is neither what you say or what you do; it’s WHO YOU ARE. Read that twice. It's important. Not ironically, it’s my opinion that being who you are will be hardest thing you will ever do.  Sometimes I talk about the past, too some may have suggested. They may be right.  But if you don’t understand where you've been, you're bound to go back. Understanding and sharing vs. attachment are two different things. Sharing ourselves with people is connection, it’s love, it’s gratitude. It’s everything. There was a time when expressing myself, I could not do. I never felt allowed to or safe, always felt judged and feared confrontation, feared you would no

Talking to yourself

I haven't written in awhile, on here or in my journal. It's been a focus of mine to write a little each week. I must admit I've improved, but not at the level I seek. I have been reading consistently and listening to podcast; this also being a major point of focus for me this year. I'd say I'm doing good at these two focus points but not great. And see the thing is...I don't want good. I want greatness! Being sick is a funny thing-I woke up this morning completely defeated from a cold that I thought I was fighting off. The cold is winning. Being sick has caused me to slow down a bit, I've been going pretty hard these last few weeks, so maybe it's time to rest and recharge. Slowing down today, I've been able to take some time to write, which is exactly what I need. The universe does always provide. It doesn't always look how I think it should, but I believe it's what's best for me, if I can listen for what is being provided. Speaking o


Happy Halloween everyone! I feel like now is a really magical time to tap into the flow of the universe's energy. This is easier said than done, however as I write this, I'm reminded of this very mindset and how beneficial it is to my personal and professional growth. I figured this was a perfect opportunity to talk about something that I've been thinking and talking to a lot of people about lately. The topic is wearing a mask. Everyone does it. It's a bit inevitable, as being true to ourselves has many many layers and although it's simple; it's not always easy. Earlier this year I had a bit of what some would call a spiritual awakening, a moment of clarity, my moment of truth. It's hard to describe exactly but I realized I was not living to my full potential in many areas of my life. I knew at that moment, I was going down a path that would be uncertain, painful, liberating, amazing and fearful. What I didn't know at the time was that the past few y

My Mountain Mind

Today I finished the 4x4 Bikram Yoga challenge and I’m super inspired by my journey. I feel  compelled to share what I’ve learned and observed. I know sharing could help someone else but  honestly, sharing helps me more than anyone. I know that sounds selfish, however I’m learning that if  I’m not the most important person, I cannot be 100 with anyone. Sharing helps me get out of my own way and out of my head and into my heart (soul). Putting my energy out into the universe leaves more room in my mind and body for the energy that serves me to the highest level. #HigherSelf So below I’m going to list a few key points I’ve learned during this process. In case anyone doesn’t know Bikram Yoga is a specific type of hot yoga which consist of 26 postures and two breathing exercises each done twice in an over 100 degree room for 90 minutes. The challenge at the Burlington Bikram Studio was to go 4 times a week for 4 weeks. CHECK! I've been doing it off and on for about 8 years.