
Happy Halloween everyone! I feel like now is a really magical time to tap into the flow of the universe's energy. This is easier said than done, however as I write this, I'm reminded of this very mindset and how beneficial it is to my personal and professional growth.

I figured this was a perfect opportunity to talk about something that I've been thinking and talking to a lot of people about lately. The topic is wearing a mask. Everyone does it. It's a bit inevitable, as being true to ourselves has many many layers and although it's simple; it's not always easy.

Earlier this year I had a bit of what some would call a spiritual awakening, a moment of clarity, my moment of truth. It's hard to describe exactly but I realized I was not living to my full potential in many areas of my life. I knew at that moment, I was going down a path that would be uncertain, painful, liberating, amazing and fearful. What I didn't know at the time was that the past few years although have been extremely successful in regards to my career and a few other areas; essentially I let go and neglected other areas of my life. It's a bit like this; I've been writing a book but I skipped a few chapters. I built a house but didn't take care of the foundation, as I should have.

I was so dedicated to succeeding I lost myself a bit. See the solution for me to succeeding was actually taking care of my spiritual condition so I could succeed at a higher level. But I didn't understand that at the time. What I didn't understand was that in order to succeed at life at a high level and to have rich relationships with people; I had to be open to change. I had to lose my fear, and I had to go against the grain, I had to let go. I had to do something different. I had to put the big girl pants on and level up. I had to sit with myself and be honest with myself about what I truly wanted. At that time I wasn't able to access this info or be in tune with it. I lost my core identity. A good friend Mike said to me last night, "Maybe we don't have an identity at all." This is a buddhist belief, that there is no soul, no identity at all because we are forever changing. Nothing stays the same. Very interesting...

I realized I was wearing a mask. I'm at the point now where I have removed that mask and I'm marching into the unknown. What is a mask?  For me a mask is a layer of myself I keep that is no longer serving me.  I keep this layer on as a mask for protection, safety and security. However what I've learned on my journey; the mask is the pain. The mask is what actually keeps me from the freedom I want and deserve for myself. The mask does not actually protect me, it hurts me.

One of the things I feel very strongly about is being able to be myself; no matter what. This does not mean we cannot improve or become someone better, as humans. It just means that there is a certain important genuine authenticity in being ourselves no matter what anyone else thinks. These are the people I want to surround myself with. These are the people that are going places. The people who take off their masks. I want what they have. There's a deep connection between not wearing any masks and being successful in life. I don't mean just business, I mean successful relationships, partnerships, friendshsips, family, any kind of relationship. Relationships are EVERYTHING. Literally every person you meet and speak to is a form of a relationship. Life is made up of relationships. See something else I've missed along the way; the most important relationship and meaningful relationship you can ever develop is the one with yourself. Above all if you're not 100 with yourself, good luck having and keeping rich deep meaningful relationships. This is kinda my life goal right now, because everything else I've ever desired will happen after that.

Have you ever tried to truly let go, let go of ALL inhibitions and just BE? Do you know what that feels like? To sit with yourself, no distractions, no outside influences? If had to be honest with you; I'd say I only really knew what that was like maybe 25% of the time, prior to this year.

I think it's extremely hard for us humans to take off the mask. There are many reason why one wears masks. It's not truly important, I suppose. What's important is finding the ways and means to remove the mask and start living a life that is by design, NOT default.  It's usually what I fear the most that is  best for me.

Although this has been a year full of change, and constant soul work; I know that my entire life is on the other side of any fear that arises. There are so many things I want to do and accomplish in my life and I've become really sick of not going after them harder. If I had to go back about 10 years ago and look at my goals, I've accomplished all of them and then some. However what I've realized is I've stopped climbing. I got to the top and then I stopped. I forgot that once I'm at the top of the mountain, I can go higher. Yes even higher than the top of the mountain. I definitely was not put on this earth to live average. I've worked really hard to get to where I'm at, it only makes sense to work even harder.  As I write this, I'm feeling really grateful for the opportunity that I have to grow, that we all have really!

I'm a great swimmer, so I'm going to keep swimming and allow whatever arises, to arise. FEEL. HEAL. DEAL.

One last thing...I've also learned this year, to do the things I want to do. Don't hold back because it's inconvenient or a stretch, or maybe it's not an easy thing to do. So what, do it anyways. For example, every year I complain that I want to do something for Halloween (favorite holiday) and I don't why? I'm not really sure exactly, maybe there's some fear there. But what is underneath the fear? Uncomfortability? Staying in on the couch is just easier? Well of course it is! But guess what?! LIFE DOESN'T HAPPEN ON THE COUCH.

The mask coming off 
