
There’s a difference between attaching to your past, making who you’ve been apart of who you are versus remembering where you came came from. Being in touch with your past can bring about gratitude and acceptance to who you are now just so long as there’s is no attachment to the old identity. What’s most important is neither what you say or what you do; it’s WHO YOU ARE. Read that twice. It's important. Not ironically, it’s my opinion that being who you are will be hardest thing you will ever do. 

Sometimes I talk about the past, too some may have suggested. They may be right.  But if you don’t understand where you've been, you're bound to go back. Understanding and sharing vs. attachment are two different things. Sharing ourselves with people is connection, it’s love, it’s gratitude. It’s everything. There was a time when expressing myself, I could not do. I never felt allowed to or safe, always felt judged and feared confrontation, feared you would not understand me. Now that most of my fear has diminished...rather I've worked my ass off to face it and move towards the person I was always meant to be: I will express myself, for me. And listening, listening to people is everything. We could all do more listening, myself included.

I’m not sure where I’m going with this all except it came to me today on the way to pick up my car after an oil change and detail (which is sparkling btw.) Everything comes to me while I'm driving. I have some of my best moments in my car. As I was saying, I was driving and it occured to me, there was a year in which I totaled 3 cars. In one year. Totaled, gone. I didn’t drive for years because I couldn’t afford a car.  So yes sometimes I speak in past tense because it helps me understand how a life by design not by default is emerging in my life as we speak, and has been each and every year of my life.  But now more intensely than ever. I’m proud of all the work I’ve done to have everything I do, inside and out. I know I still have a lot more work to do. The journey to self is not for the faint of heart. I have expression and identity that’s mine, and I enjoy being comfortable enough in my own skin to share it. If I’m sharing with you; consider yourself lucky, as I believe my experience can be used to help others and inspire. It feels to me a lot of people are so out of touch with themselves, there is no real human connection. Maybe I just haven't found my people yet. Maybe I'm too in touch and that's why it's so hard for me to live in the moment. Either way I really love where my life is going right now and who I've turned out to be. I share because it helps me, it's healing and therapeutic. Now don't get me wrong, there are times when nothing matters from the past and it's essential to manifest and think more about what you want than anything in the past. I can fall away from this and get distracted, which is not at all conducive to moving forward and growing; but it happens. Acknowledge and move on. Swipe left. Disrupt that thought. I'm learning to be obsessed about what can serve me to the highest level ...focus, discipline, mindfulness, consciousness, & commitment. It's not easy....but it's equally as hard to NOT do these things. It's just easier to think it's harder.. That's bad mind conditioning. Change your mind. #MountainMind 

I feel such gratitude when people share their thoughts with me. I'm lucky to have some really amazing people in my life who can identify with me. And some that can't, I'm equally as grateful for them too. What I’m learning is although it's nice to have people that get you, it truly doesn’t matter. The only one that really needs to get me, is me. To let go and really walk this earth with no masks is a courageous act to perform. To walk in your own shoes, ones that you own, that you've bought...really be able to seek happiness on your own with nothing else, no one else. Have you ever done that before? Have you ever tried to just truly make yourself fulfilled without distraction?  It's wild! 

Be here, now. That’s what I strive for, that’s my purpose. I’m grateful for who I am right now. Being yourself will be the hardest thing you will ever do. That is a really powerful thought....Being yourself will be the hardest thing you ever do. I’m no Grant Cardone (yet) but I will wake up everyday and try and put in the effort it takes to live in accordance with my higher self so I can live a life free and full of abundance and purpose. A life full of exploration and adventure. I believe that you are only as free as you want to be. 

Lana says it best...Who are you? Are you in touch with all of your darkest fantasies? Have you created a life for yourself where you can experience them? I have. I may be crazy, but I am free.  

Speaking of grant cardone I’m listening to the audible “be obsessed or be average”  it really is given me some insight and a different way of looking at obsession. The great news is if you're a person who deals with obsession; then you already have the first ingredient to greatness. 


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