My Mountain Mind

Today I finished the 4x4 Bikram Yoga challenge and I’m super inspired by my journey. I feel compelled to share what I’ve learned and observed. I know sharing could help someone else but honestly, sharing helps me more than anyone. I know that sounds selfish, however I’m learning that if I’m not the most important person, I cannot be 100 with anyone. Sharing helps me get out of my own way and out of my head and into my heart (soul). Putting my energy out into the universe leaves more room in my mind and body for the energy that serves me to the highest level. #HigherSelf

So below I’m going to list a few key points I’ve learned during this process. In case anyone doesn’t know Bikram Yoga is a specific type of hot yoga which consist of 26 postures and two breathing exercises each done twice in an over 100 degree room for 90 minutes. The challenge at the Burlington Bikram Studio was to go 4 times a week for 4 weeks. CHECK! I've been doing it off and on for about 8 years.

  • Today was interesting as it was the first of the 16 classes in which I did EVERY posture, every time. Usually I sit 1-3 postures out to regain my breath. I’m such a physical/feeling/emotional person that I over exert my breath a lot in order to get through the postures. I have no problem pushing myself as hard as possible. However this is not what yoga is about for me. So essentially I lose control of my breath and have to sit quietly to regain it. (which is actually harder than the posture itself) Believe it or not sitting still and just breathing is the true challenge. All of which I say and feel regarding yoga is just really an analogy for life outside the hot room.

  • Today, I entered class tired, weak, and had a slightly negative mindset. (Many classes start out this way for me) However I made a decision to swipe left and make a commitment to do every posture regardless. I felt empowered to commit to every posture. Why? Because I was ready. I had practiced and I had learned something important, which is I can operate at an above average level. There's more to me than I am. I can always do better. The minuet my legs hit the mat I made this commitment to myself. I knew in order to do this, I needed to control my energy and breath. Not really to my surprise I did it!  After 4 weeks of consistent practice I had an amazing class with amazing results. I was able to do WAY more than I initially imagined I could.

  • Looking at yourself in the mirror the entire time is so very hard, however when you can face yourself; you can accomplish a lot. Abundance shows up! I’m learning how to compartmentalize my feelings/energy but not push them away. (Not pushing feelings or people away, this is key.)

  • I’m more of a physical/feeling/emotion type of person. I feel everything first. Often times before intellect and practicality. This has really been bothering me lately so I’ve chosen to stay open to whatever the universe should provide as a lesson and opportunity to learn something different. After completing the Bikram challenge, I've realized this can be an asset. See this personality trait actually serves me very well, and it’s a powerful way in which I use to connect with people among other positive things. In fact I realized I don’t want to abandon this part of myself at all, just a little tweak so it can be used to better benefit myself and those around me. I strongly believe that our defects are actually assets in disguise, they just need altering sometimes. If I use my physical/emotional part of myself FIRST (e.g. Exercise, yoga, outdoors, nature, art, & movement) the discipline to committing to intellect before emotion ALWAYS follows. This is a solution I’ve found for myself. Not sure if that makes any sense but I don’t really care. #MountainMind

  • I’m learning to be obsessed with what serves me. It’s so easy to be obsessed with ways in which do me no good, but why not become obsessed with what serves me well? It’s interesting that it’s so hard for me to do. What is beneath that resistance? Why am I so resistance to change? Fear. What is behind fear? Misunderstanding, miseducation, misinformation and bad habits that became EASIER than doing the right thing.

  • So many new ideas come to me when I’m open to change. I’ve worked on myself for a long time but now it’s time to BE MYSELF. (There's a difference)

  • My entire life is on the other side of the feeling of fear. As it's not change that I resist. (I actually crave change and variety) It’s the resistance to change that I fear. Ultimately it's a lot harder to avoid change, as it always shows up regardless. If you don't deal with your feelings, they will eventually deal with you. Trust me it's a lot harder this way!

  • How I practice inside class is how I practice outside class. Everything is practice. Practice is everything. I love the word practice. I’m forever grateful for Bikram Yoga as it has changed my life forever.


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