Talking to yourself

I haven't written in awhile, on here or in my journal. It's been a focus of mine to write a little each week. I must admit I've improved, but not at the level I seek. I have been reading consistently and listening to podcast; this also being a major point of focus for me this year. I'd say I'm doing good at these two focus points but not great. And see the thing is...I don't want good. I want greatness!

Being sick is a funny thing-I woke up this morning completely defeated from a cold that I thought I was fighting off. The cold is winning. Being sick has caused me to slow down a bit, I've been going pretty hard these last few weeks, so maybe it's time to rest and recharge. Slowing down today, I've been able to take some time to write, which is exactly what I need. The universe does always provide. It doesn't always look how I think it should, but I believe it's what's best for me, if I can listen for what is being provided.

Speaking of listening. I wanted to discuss talking to myself. I've found a deep sense of mind detachment when I speak to myself out loud. Being honest; there are several times through the days where my mind and thoughts can dilute the purity of the present moment. This is where I find it crucial to talk to myself, let myself know that I am not my thoughts, my thoughts are just a distraction from my best self. Usually my initial thoughts are not the ones I should listen to. This is why I have to speak to myself to create the thoughts that are powerful, the ones that help me lunge forward into positivity and creativity. When I'm able to do this, I'm truly my best self.  I can then be a force in the world and to everyone around me.

Easier said than done of course, or is it? Maybe it's that easy to talk to yourself, as if you were observing yourself from someone else's eyes. What would you say to yourself? It's so much easier to give yourself advice if you aren't so wrapped up in your own thoughts, if you can observe them from afar! I really believe that we usually already have all the answers, but we get in our own way. When I can detach by stepping aside, the solution to my problems or discomfort is always so easy to see. It's that crucial moment of detachment that I focus on now. I get in touch with that focus by talking to myself. Telling myself what I already know but sometimes can't access when it's not formulated into words. It's too elusive inside my mind, thoughts need to be concrete and clear. My thoughts can't be brought into focus when they are left in a place that has no use for them. Bringing life and power to your thoughts is how you can manifest what you want. Leaving thoughts inside your head just leads to emotional reactions. I've made a commitment to myself to stay focused. Focused on about 5 top areas that are life changing to me. I have sharp focus after I've talked to myself and I can be conscious of the moment. Conscious of what I really want and get REAL clear about it.

What I've absorbed from talking to myself: Don't let your mind take over, you're in control of your mind. You have the power and control over your thoughts/actions; ultimately leading me to a place of no mind suffering. This is brought on by focus, discipline, and commitment. Commitment to my higher self. Be empowered, be in alignment with your mountain mind! I'm making it my mission to detach my attention from the past and future as much as needed.

It's so helpful to manifest all that you have ever wanted with self talk. Fantasy does not have to remain fantasy, I believe NOW more than ever I can have everything I ever wanted. (How exciting is that? I'm stoked!) It really is that easy. It may sound a little crazy but...... "Some people never go crazy, what truly horrible lives they must lead"


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