
Showing posts from January, 2019

Talking to yourself

I haven't written in awhile, on here or in my journal. It's been a focus of mine to write a little each week. I must admit I've improved, but not at the level I seek. I have been reading consistently and listening to podcast; this also being a major point of focus for me this year. I'd say I'm doing good at these two focus points but not great. And see the thing is...I don't want good. I want greatness! Being sick is a funny thing-I woke up this morning completely defeated from a cold that I thought I was fighting off. The cold is winning. Being sick has caused me to slow down a bit, I've been going pretty hard these last few weeks, so maybe it's time to rest and recharge. Slowing down today, I've been able to take some time to write, which is exactly what I need. The universe does always provide. It doesn't always look how I think it should, but I believe it's what's best for me, if I can listen for what is being provided. Speaking o